Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Solemnity of the Assumption commemorates the fact that the Blessed Virgin Mary, immaculately conceived and completely sinless throughout her earthly life, was taken by her Son into heaven, body and soul, to be with the Triune God, and where she is crowned as Queen of heaven and earth.

After Christ’s resurrection from the dead, He spent forty days with His apostles taking them more deeply into the revelation of God’s truth, after which He ascended into heaven. Christ took with Him something especially precious which He had received from the Blessed Virgin Mary; namely, our human nature. In doing so, Christ tells us that where He has gone, we are meant to follow.

What we celebrate on the Assumption is the fact that Christ’s Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, did indeed follow Him into heaven. Her Assumption is rather like an echo of the Lord’s Ascension. A pattern is set; a truth is revealed: mankind is meant to dwell body and soul with God forever in heaven. This is God’s plan; this is His intention from the time He created us. In fact, St. Paul teaches us that our true “citizenship” is in heaven.

When our Lord ascended into heaven He took our human nature with Him. As Mary is assumed into Heaven, she also takes something with her. What she takes with her is all of us – not in the same way that the Lord brought our human nature with Him into heaven at His Ascension, nor in the same way that God will raise us up at the last day. But she does take us – she takes us with her in her Immaculate Heart. The Mother of God, who is our Mother also, knows each and every one of us as only a mother can – and as she takes her place in heaven, so she lovingly brings us to Her Son.


Pictured: "The Assumption of the Virgin"
by Ambrogio Bergognone (1453-1523)