[Jesus said to his disciples,] “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit; for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thorns, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”Our Lord Jesus gives some practical guidance to us with these words. He knows our tendency to look for solutions to our problems and difficulties in places other than in God’s revealed truth. Too often man likes to have his ears tickled with the so-called wisdom of the world, and with the latest fad.St. Luke 6:43-45
But in this Gospel Jesus gives us some sober truth. He tells us that there is one place and one place only where we are going to find what really matters and what we really need – and that is with Him. Frequently we are lured into hoping we can harvest figs amongst thorns. The world tries to convince us that grapes are to be found in bramble bushes.
The Lord Jesus Christ reminds us that when we are with Him we stand on solid ground. It is by remaining with Him that we stand on unshifting rock. We know this because He has shown who He is by His miracles, by the lives He has changed, and above all by His own rising from the dead.
Christ’s resurrection proved who He was and where He came from, and in embracing Him and His truth we can see the good fruits that life with Him produces.
He came from His Father to speak His Father’s words, to give us God’s love, and to establish His Holy Catholic Church, through which we are fed by His Word and Sacraments, and strengthened by His grace, to prepare us for eternal life with Him.
We live in an unstable world. We are surrounded by a chorus of voices trying to lead us down all sorts of other paths, many of them paths that lead us into self-destructive behaviours which result in disease, misery, and even death. The only steady and reliable voice is the voice of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Pictured: "Jesus Teaching"
by James Tissot (1836-1902)