Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Ongoing Epiphany

Miracles are recounted to us in these days and weeks after the Epiphany, miracles showing God’s power, miracles proclaiming that God is with us. A sign is given in Cana. The sick are healed. The signs, the miracles, continue throughout the hallowed time of His earthly ministry. It is a continuous manifestation even as the question comes, “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?” God reveals Himself in His actions, His words, His continual care. All we need are eyes to see and ears to hear.

Jesus Christ, our Saviour King,
unto thee thy people sing;
hear the prayers we humbly make,
hear them for thy mercy’s sake.
Lord Jesus Christ, O Lamb Divine,
fill our souls, and make us thine.

Give us eyes that we may see;
give us hearts to worship thee;
give us ears that we may hear;
in thy love, Lord, draw us near.
Lord Jesus Christ, O Lamb Divine,
fill our souls and make us thine.

In our darkness, shed thy light;
lift us to thy heav’nly height;
may we be thy dwelling-place,
tabernacles of thy grace.
Lord Jesus Christ, O Lamb Divine,
fill our souls and make us thine.

In thy Kingdom grant us rest,
in Jerusalem the blest;
with the saints our lips shall sing,
with the angels echoing:
Lord Jesus Christ, O Lamb Divine,
thou dost reign, and we are thine!

Text: Fr. Christopher G. Phillips (1990)
Music: “Lucerna Laudoniae” by David Evans (1874-1948)